The Problem We’ve all been there, you have a really important engagement on the next day, maybe it’s a trip to the airport or a very important meeting or job. You look at the clock and discover time is ticking away, slowly you watch the window to sleep tick away,...
You can find this artwork inside Chi Time at Stockland Glendale, the shop is located next to Target. This artwork on the wall caught my eye because of it’s color, and also the LED Neon signage to the left that reads “Freshly Brewed,’ in neon white....
Just a quick few lines about my accidental discovery of houseplants. I was searching for cool technology ideas last year, when I had the thought of bringing IOT to gardening and plants. I like stats, charts, data, and some bright minds had already been hard at work on a project...
Instagram Account Impersonation
Instagram Impersonation – What To Do? Online impersonation can cause significant damage to your personal or business brand, having the offenders account removed quickly can help minimise the impact. If you find yourself in this position, remain calm and follow the steps below;   Confirm, Account impersonation is when an...